序号 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称 | 作者 | 完成单位 | 发表 时间 | 影响因子 |
1 | Joint wireless information and energy transfer in massive distributed antenna systems | IEEE Communications Magazine | Yuan, F.; Jin, S.; Huang, Y.;Wong, K. K.;Zhang, Q. T.(张启图); Zhu, H(朱洪波) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication(南京邮电大学);Southeast University | 2015.6 | 5.125 |
2 | Network convergence: theory, architectures, and applications | IEEE Wireless Communications | Q.T. Zhang(张启图) ,Jiayi Chen,Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication(南京邮电大学);Shenzhen University | 2014.12 | 4.148 |
3 | A Survey on Wireless Security: Technical Challenges, Recent Advances, and Future Trends | Proceedings of the IEEE | Zou, Yulong(邹玉龙); Zhu, Jia(朱佳),Wang, Xianbin, Hanzo, Lajos | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);University of Western Ontario,University of Southampton | 2016.9 | 5.629 |
4 | Deterministic entanglement distillation for secure double-server blind quantum computation | Scientific Reports | Sheng, Yu-Bo(盛宇波); Zhou, Lan | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学) | 2015.1 | 5.228 |
5 | Joint physical-application layer security for wireless multimedia delivery | IEEE Communications Magazine | Liang Zhou(周亮),Dan Wu, Baoyu Zheng(郑宝玉);Guizani, Mohsen | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);PLA University of Science and Technology;Qatar University | 2014.3 | 5.125 |
6 | Securing Physical-Layer Communications for Cognitive Radio Networks | IEEE Communications Magazine | Zou, Yulong(邹玉龙); Zhu, Jia(朱佳); Yang, Liuqing; Liang,Ying-chang;Yao Yu-dong . | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学),Colorado State University;Institute for Infocomm Research;Stevens Institute of Technology | 2015.9 | 5.125 |
7 | LDPA: A Local Data Processing Architecture in Ambient Assisted Living Communications | IEEE Communications Magazine | Kun Wang(王堃); Yun Shao; Lei Shu; Guangjie Han; Chunsheng Zhu | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology;Hohai University;University of British Columbia | 2015.1 | 5.125 |
8 | Exploring blind online scheduling for mobile cloud multimedia services | IEEE Wireless Communications | Liang Zhou(周亮); Zhen Yang(杨震); Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues; Mohsen Guizani | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);University of Beira Interior;Qatar University | 2013.6 | 4.148 |
9 | Energy-spectrum efficiency tradeoff for video streaming over mobile Ad Hoc networks | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Liang Zhou(周亮); Rose Qingyang Hu; Yi Qian; Hsiao-Hwa Chen | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);Utah State University;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;National Cheng Kung University | 2013.5 | 3.672 |
10 | Optimal Harvest-Use-Store Strategy for Energy Harvesting Wireless Systems | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Yuan, F.; Zhang, Q. T.(张启图); Jin, S.; & Zhu, H(朱洪波) | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学);Southeast Univ. | 2015.2 | 2.925 |
11 | Power Allocation Schemes for Multicell Massive MIMO Systems | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Qi Zhang ; Shi Jin ; Matthew McKay; David Morales-Jimenez; Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学);Southeast Univ.;Hong Kong Univ. of Sci. & Technol. | 2015.11 | 2.925 |
12 | Improving Physical-Layer Security in Wireless Communications Using Diversity Techniques | IEEE Network | Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Jia Zhu(朱佳); Xianbin Wang; Victor C. M. Leung | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);University of Western Ontario;University of British Columbia | 2015.1 | 2.899 |
13 | Relay-Selection Improves the Security-Reliability Trade-Off in Cognitive Radio Systems | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Benoit Champagne; Wei-Ping Zhu; Lajos Hanzo | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);McGill University; Concordia University;University of Southampton | 2015.1 | 2.298 |
14 | Wideband stub-loaded slotline antennas under multi-mode resonance operation | IEEE TransactionsAntennas & Propagation | Wen-Jun Lu(吕文俊);Lei Zhu | Nanjing Univ Posts & Telecommun(南京邮电大学);University of Macau | 2015.2 | 2.053 |
15 | Decision-theoretic distributed channel selection for opportunistic spectrum access: Strategies, challenges and solutions | IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials | Yuhua Xu(徐煜华); Alagan Anpalagan; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Liang Shen; Zhan Gao; Jinglong Wang | PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学);Ryerson Univ. | 2013 Fourth Quarter | 9.22 |
16 | A Survey on Complementary-Coded MIMO CDMA Wireless Communications. | IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials | Si-Yue Sun; Hsiao-Hwa Chen; Wei-Xiao Meng(孟维晓) | Harbin Inst. of Technol.(哈尔滨工业大学);Nat. Cheng Kung University | 2015 First Quarter | 9.22 |
17 | Cooperative Communications for Cognitive Radio Networks - from Theory to Applications. | IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials | Xiaoming Chen; Hsiao-Hwa Chen; Weixiao Meng(孟维晓) | National Cheng Kung University;Harbin Institute of Technology(哈尔滨工业大学) | 2014 Third Quarter | 9.22 |
18 | Kernel-based learning for statistical signal processing in cognitive radio networks: Theoretical foundations, example applications, and future directions | IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | Guoru Ding(丁国如); Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Yu-Dong Yao; Jinlong Wang; Yingying Chen | PLA University of Science and Technology(解放军理工大学);Stevens Institute of Technology | 2013.7 | 6.671 |
19 | Enhancing spectral-energy efficiency for LTE-advanced heterogeneous networks: a users social pattern perspective | IEEE Wireless Communications | Xing Zhang(张兴); Yan Zhang; Rong Yu; Wenbo Wang(王文博); Mohsen Guizani | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学);Nanyang Technol. Univ.;Tsinghua Univ.;Syracuse Univ. | 2014.4 | 4.148 |
20 | Deep Sensing for Space-Time Doubly Selective Channels: When a Primary User Is Mobile and the Channel Is Flat Rayleigh Fading | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | Bin Li(李斌);Jia Hou ;Xiaofan Li ;Yijiang Nan; Arumugam Nallanathan; Chenglin Zhao(赵成林) | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学);Soochow University;State Radio Monitoring Center Testing Center (SRTC);King’s College London | 2016.7 | 2.624 |
21 | A context-aware system architecture for leak point detection in the large-scale petrochemical industry | IEEE Communications Magazine | Kun Wang(王堃); Heng Lu; Lei Shu; Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);Guangdong Univ. of Petrochem. Technol.;Univ. of Beira Interior | 2014.6 | 5.125 |
22 | A game theoretic perspective on self-organizing optimization for cognitive small cells | IEEE Communications Magazine | Yuhua Xu(徐煜华); Jinlong Wang; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Zhiyong Du; Liang Shen; Alagan Anpalagan | PLA University of Science and Technology(解放军理工大学);Ryerson University | 2015.7 | 5.125 |
23 | On the limits of predictability in real-world radio spectrum state dynamics: From entropy theory to 5G spectrum sharing | IEEE Communications Magazine | Guoru Ding(丁国如); Jinlong Wang; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Yu-dong Yao; Rongpeng Li; Honggang Zhang; Yulong Zou(邹玉龙) | PLA University of Science and Technology(解放军理工大学);Stevens Institute of Technology;Zhejiang University; Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学) | 2015.7 | 5.125 |
24 | Undamped Oscillations Generated by Hopf Bifurcations in Fractional-Order Recurrent Neural Networks With Caputo Derivative | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | Min Xiao; Wei Xing Zheng; Guoping Jiang(蒋国平); Jinde Cao | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); University of Western Sydney; Southeast University | 2015.12 | 4.854 |
25 | safety-aware semi-supervised classification | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems | Wang, Yunyun(汪云云); Chen, Songca | Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Nanjing | 2013.11 | 4.854 |
26 | Intercept Behavior Analysis of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Eavesdropping Attack | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | Zou, Yulong(邹玉龙); Wang, Gongpu | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);Beijing Jiaotong University | 2016.4 | 4.708 |
27 | A Game Theory based Energy Management System using Price Elasticity for Smart Grids | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | Kun Wang(王堃); Zhiyou Ouyang; Rahul Krishnan; Lei Shu; Lei He | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); University of California Los Angeles; Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology | 2015.12 | 4.708 |
28 | Energy-efficient multimedia transmissions through base station cooperation over heterogeneous cellular networks exploiting user behavior | IEEE Wireless Communications | Xing Zhang(张兴); Rong Yu; Yan Zhang; Yue Gao; Marcus Im; Laurie G. Cuthbert; Wenbo Wang(王文博) | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学);Guangdong Univ. of Technol.Simula Res. Lab., Oslo;Queen Mary Univ. of London;Macao Polytech. Inst. | 2014.8 | 4.148 |
29 | Virtual Multi-Beamforming for Distributed Satellite clusters in Space information networks | IEEE Wireless Communications | Qiyue Yu; Weixiao Meng(孟维晓); Mingchuan Yang; Liming Zheng; Zhongzhao Zhang | Harbin Institute of Technology(哈尔滨工业大学) | 2016.2 | 4.148 |
30 | Cellular-base-station assisted device-to-device communications in TV white space | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Guoru Ding(丁国如); Jinlong Wang; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Yu-Dong Yao; Fei Song; and Theodoros A. Tsiftsis | Southeast Univ.;PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学);Stevens Inst. of Technol; Technol. Educ. Inst. of Central Greec | 2016.1 | 3.672 |
31 | Secrecy Outage and Diversity Analysis of Cognitive Radio Systems | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Xuelong Li; Ying-Chang Liang | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) | 2014.11 | 3.672 |
32 | Impact of execution time on adaptive wireless video scheduling | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Liang Zho(周亮); Zhen Yang(杨震); Haohong Wang; Mohsen Guizani | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); TCL Res. America;Qatar Univ. | 2014.4 | 3.672 |
33 | Decentralized Renewable Energy Pricing and Allocation for Millimeter Wave Cellular Backhaul | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Dapeng Li(李大鹏); Walid Saad; Choong Seon Hong | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Virginia Tech; Kyung Hee University | 2016.5 | 3.672 |
34 | Achievable Throughput Optimization in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio Systems | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Sixing Yin; Zhaowei Qu; Shufang Li(李书芳) | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学) | 2015.3 | 3.672 |
35 | Performance Analysis of Cognitive Relay Networks over Nakagami-m Fading Channels | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Xing Zhang(张兴); Yan Zhang; Zhi Yan; Jia Xing; Wenbo Wang(王文博) | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(北京邮电大学); Simula Res. Lab.; Hunan Univ. | 2015.5 | 3.672 |
36 | Deep Sensing for Future Spectrum and Location Awareness 5G Communications | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | Bin Li(李斌); Shenghong Li; Arumugam Nallanathan; Chenglin Zhao(赵成林)
| Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun(北京邮电大学); Jiao Tong Univ.; King's Coll. | 2015.7 | 3.672 |
37 | Outage Balancing in Downlink Nonorthogonal Multiple Access With Statistical Channel State Information | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Sulong Shi; Longxiang Yang(杨龙祥); Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学) | 2016.7 | 2.925 |
38 | Physical-Layer Security with Multiuser Scheduling in Cognitive Radio Networks | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Xianbin Wang; Weiming Shen | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Univ. of Western Ontario; Tongji Univ. | 2013.12 | 2.928 |
39 | Resource allocation with incomplete information for QoE-driven multimedia communications | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Liang Zhou(周亮); Zhen Yang(杨震); Yonggang Wen; Haohong Wang; Mohsen Guizani | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Nanyang Technological University; TCL Research America; Qatar University | 2013.8 | 2.925 |
40 | Pairwise Transmission Using Superposition Coding for Relay-Assisted Downlink Communications | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Sulong Shi; Longxiang Yang(杨龙祥); Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学) | 2015.5 | 2.925 |
41 | A Bayesian Approach for Nonlinear Equalization and Signal Detection in Millimeter-wave Communications | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Bin Li(李斌); Chenglin Zhao(赵成林); Mengwei Sun; Haijun Zhang; Zheng Zhou; Arumugam Nallanathan | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学); King's Coll. London | 2015.7 | 2.925 |
42 | A Segmented Packet Collision Model for Smart Utility Networks Under WLAN Interferences. | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Shuyi Chen; Ruofei Ma; Hsiao-Hwa Chen; Weixiao Meng(孟维晓) | Harbin Institute of Technology(哈尔滨工业大学); National Cheng Kung University | 2016.5 | 2.925 |
43 | Optimal Cooperation Strategy in Cognitive Radio Systems with Energy Harvesting | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Sixing Yin; Erqing Zhang; Zhaowei Qu; Liang Yin; Shufang Li(李书芳) | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学) | 2014.9 | 2.925 |
44 | Energy-Efficient Design in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Based on Large-Scale User Behavior Constraints | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Yu Huang; Xing Zhang(张兴); Jiaxin Zhang; Jian Tang; Zhuowen Su; Wenbo Wang(王文博) | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学); Syracuse Univ. | 2014.9 | 2.925 |
45 | Opportunistic spectrum access with spatial reuse: Graphical game and uncoupled learning solutions | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | Yuhua Xu(徐煜华), Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Liang Shen; Jinlong Wang; Alagan Anpalgan | PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学); Ryerson Univ. | 2013.10 | 2.925 |
46 | Mobile Big Data Fault-Tolerant Processing for eHealth Networks | IEEE Network | Kun Wang(王堃); Yun Shao; Lei Shu; Chunsheng Zhu; Yan Zhang | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); University of Southern California; Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology; University of British Columbia; Simula Research Laboratory and the University of Oslo | 2016.1 | 2.899 |
47 | Smart Grid Neighborhood Area Networks - A Survey | IEEE Network | Weixiao Meng(孟维晓) ; Ruofei Ma; and Hsiao-Hwa Chen | Harbin Inst. of Technol.(哈尔滨工业大学); Nat. Cheng Kung Univ. | 2014.1 | 2.899 |
48 | Energy Detection based Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios over Time-Frequency Doubly Selective Fading Channels | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | Bin Li(李斌); Mengwei Sun; Xiaofan Li; Arumugam Nallanathan; Chenglin Zhao(赵成林) | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(北京邮电大学); State Radio monitoring center Testing Center ; King's College London | 2015.1 | 2.624 |
49 | Algorithms for secrecy guarantee with null space beamforming in two-way relay networks | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | Yunchuan Yang; Cong Sun; Hui Zhao; Hang Long; Wenbo Wang(王文博) | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(北京邮电大学) | 2014.4 | 2.624 |
50 | Time and Frequency Synchronization for Multicarrier Transmission on Hexagonal Time-Frequency Lattice | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | Kui Xu,Youyun Xu(徐友云); Wenfeng Ma(马文峰); Xie Wei; Dongmei Zhang(张冬梅) | PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学) | 2013.12 | 2.624 |
51 | Power Scaling of Uplink Massive MIMO Systems with Arbitrary-Rank Channel Means | IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing | Qi Zhang; Shi Jin; Kai-Kit Wong ;Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波);Michail Matthaiou | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Southeast University; University College London; Queen's University Belfast | 2014.10 | 2.569 |
52 | Toward Blind Scheduling in Mobile Media Cloud: Fairness, Simplicity, and Asymptotic Optimality | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | Liang Zhou(周亮); Haohong Wang | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); TCL Research America | 2013.6 | 2.536 |
53 | Fairness resource allocation in blind wireless multimedia communications | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | Liang Zhou(周亮); Min Chen; Yi Qian; Hsiao-Hwa Chen | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Huazhong University of Science and Technology; University of Nebraska-Lincoln; National Cheng Kung University | 2013.6 | 2.536 |
54 | On Data-Driven Delay Estimation for Media Cloud | IEEE Transactions on Multimedia | Liang Zhou(周亮) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (南京邮电大学) | 2016.5 | 2.536 |
55 | Large System Secrecy Rate Analysis for SWIPT MIMO Wiretap Channels | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | Jun Zhang(张军);Chau Yuen ;Chao-Kai Wen ;Shi Jin ;Kai-Kit Wong ;Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Singapore University of Technology and Design;National Sun Yat-sen University; Southeast University; University College London | 2016.1 | 2.441 |
56 | Artificial-Noise-Aided Message Authentication Codes With Information-Theoretic Security | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security | Xiaofu Wu; Zhen Yang(杨震); Cong Ling; Xiang-Gen Xia | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Imperial College London; University of Delaware | 2016.6 | 2.441 |
57 | Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Arbitrarily High-Dimensional Genetic Regulatory Networks With Hub Structure and Bidirectional Coupling | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers | Min Xiao; Wei Xing Zheng; Guoping Jiang(蒋国平); Jinde Cao | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Western Sydney University; Southeast University | 2016.8 | 2.393 |
58 | Decentralized Energy Allocation for Wireless Networks With Renewable Energy Powered Base Stations | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Dapeng Li(李大鹏); Walid Saad; Ismail Guvenc; Abolfazl Mehbodniya; Fumiyuki Adachi | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun(南京邮电大学); Virginia Tech; Florida Int. Univ.; Tohoku Univ. | 2015.6 | 2.298 |
59 | Beamforming and Interference Cancellation for D2D Communication Underlaying Cellular Networks | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Yiyang Ni ;Shi Jin ; Wei Xu ;Yuyang Wang ;Michail Matthaiou ;Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Southeast University; Queen’s University Belfast | 2016.2 | 2.298 |
60 | Performance analysis of multiuser multiple antenna relaying networks with co-channel interference and feedback delay | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Yuzhen Huang, Fawaz S. Al-Qahtani; Caijun Zhong; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Jinlong Wang; and Hussein Alnuweiri | PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学); Texas A&M Univ. at Qatar; Zhejiang Univ. | 2014.1 | 2.298 |
61 | Robust spectrum sensing with crowd sensors | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Guoru Ding(丁国如); Jinlong Wang; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Linyuan Zhang; Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Yu-Dong Yao; and Yingying Chen | PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学); Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Stevens Inst. of Technol. | 2014.9 | 2.298 |
62 | Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios in Time-Variant Flat Fading Channels: A Joint Estimation Approach | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Bin Li(李斌);Chenglin Zhao(赵成林); Mengwei Sun; Zheng Zhou; Arumugam Nallanathan | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun. (北京邮电大学);King's Coll. London | 2014.8 | 2.298 |
63 | Power Allocation for Distributed Antenna Systems in Frequency-Selective Fading Channels | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Yu Qi-Yue; Li Ya-Tian; Xiang Wei; Meng Wei-Xiao(孟维晓 ); Wen-Yan Tang | Harbin Inst. of Technol.(哈尔滨工业大学);Chinese Academy of Sciences;James Cook University | 2016.1 | 2.298 |
64 | Cognitive MIMO relaying networks with primary user’s interference and outdated channel state information | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Yuzhen Huang; Fawaz S. Al-Qahtani; Qihui Wu(吴启辉) Caijun Zhong; Jinlong Wang; Hussein M. Alnuweiri | PLA University of Science and Technology(解放军理工大学); Texas A&M Univ ; Zhejiang Univ. | 2014.12 | 2.298 |
65 | Efficient and Robust Cluster Identification for Ultra-wideband Propagations Inspired by Biological Ant Colony Clustering | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Bin Li(李斌);Chenglin Zhao(赵成林); Haijun Zhang ;Zheng Zhou; Arumugam Nallanathan | Beijing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun. (北京邮电大学);King's Coll. London | 2015.1 | 2.298 |
66 | Opportunistic Spectrum Access Using Partially Overlapping Channels: Graphical Game and Uncoupled Learning | IEEE Transactions on Communications | Yuhua Xu(徐煜华); Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Jinlong Wang;Liang Shen; Alagan Anpalagan | PLA University of Science and Technology(解放军理工大学); Ryerson University | 2013.9 | 2.298 |
67 | Distributed wireless video scheduling with delayed control information | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | Liang Zhou(邹玉龙); Zhen Yang(杨震); Yonggang Wen; Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Nanyang Technological University;University of Beira Interior | 2014.5 | 2.254 |
68 | Specific Versus Diverse Computing in Media Cloud
| IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | Liang Zhou(周亮) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学) | 2015.12 | 2.254 |
69 | Security Versus Reliability Analysis of Opportunistic Relaying | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Xianbin Wang; Weiming Shen; Lajos Hanzo | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Univ. of Western Ontario; Tongji Univ.; Univ. of Southampton | 2014.7 | 2.243 |
70 | A New Efficient Algorithm for the Unconditionally Stable 2-D WLP-FDTD Method | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | Zheng Chen ;Yan-Tao Duan ;Ye-Rong Zhang(张业荣) ;Yun Yi | Nanjing Univ Posts & Telecommun(南京邮电大学);PLA University of Science and Technology | 2013.7 | 2.053 |
71 | Dual-band loop-dipole composite unidirectional antenna for broadband wireless communications | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | WJ Lu(吕文俊), GM Liu; KF Tong; HB Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing Univ Posts & Telecommun(南京邮电大学); Univ. Coll. London | 2014.5 | 2.053 |
72 | Quality-Optimized Joint Source Selection and Power Control for Wireless Multimedia D2D Communication Using Stackelberg Game | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Qin Wang; Wei Wang; Shi Jin; Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波); Nai Tong Zhang | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); San Diego State University; Southeast University; Harbin Institute of Technology | 2015.8 | 2.243 |
73 | Analysis of Uplink Intercarrier Interference in OFDMA Femtocell Networks | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Hong Wang; Rongfang Song(宋荣方); Shu-Hung Leung | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学);City Univ. of Hong Kong | 2015.3 | 2.243 |
74 | Coding Versus Spreading for Narrowband Interference Suppression | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Xiaofu Wu(吴晓富); Zhen Yang(杨震) | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学) | 2016.4 | 2.243 |
75 | Pilot Allocation for Distributed-Compressed-Sensing-Based Sparse Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM Systems | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Xueyun He; Rongfang Song(宋荣方); Wei-Ping Zhu | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Concordia University | 2016.5 | 2.243 |
76 | Mitigation of Uplink ICI and IBI in OFDMA Two-Tier Networks | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Hong Wang; Rongfang Song(宋荣方); Shu-Hung Leung | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); City University of Hong Kong | 2016.8 | 2.243 |
77 | Joint Optimization Methods for Nonconvex Resource Allocation Problems of Decode-and-Forward Relay-Based OFDM Networks | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Yaru Fu; Qi Zhu(朱琦) | City University of Hong Kong; Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (南京邮电大学) | 2016.7 | 2.243 |
78 | On Secrecy Performance of Antenna-Selection-Aided MIMO Systems Against Eavesdropping | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Jia Zhu(朱佳); Yulong Zou(邹玉龙); Gongpu Wang; Yu-Dong Yao; George K. Karagiannidis | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Beijing Jiaotong Univ.; Stevens Inst. of Technol.Aristotle Univ. of Thessalonik | 2016.1 | 2.243 |
79 | Multiple Vehicles Collaborative Data Download Protocol via Network Coding | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Zhu, Wenlong; Li, Dapeng(李大鹏); Saad, Walid | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Virginia Polytech. Inst. & State Univ. | 2015.4 | 2.243 |
80 | Distributed channel selection in time-varying radio environment: Interference mitigation game with uncoupled stochastic learning | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Yuhua Xu(徐煜华); Jinlong Wang; Liang Shen; Jianchao Zheng; Alagan Anpalagan | PLA Univ. of Sci. & Technol.(解放军理工大学); Ryerson Univ. | 2013.11 | 2.243 |
81 | Surface-Plasmon-Polaritons-Assisted Enhanced Magnetic Response at Optical Frequencies in Metamaterials | IEEE Photonics Journal | Jing Chen; Chaojun Tang; Peng Mao; Cheng Peng; Depeng Gao; Ying Yu(于映); Qiugu Wang; Labao Zhang | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Zhejiang Univ. of Technol.; Nanjing Univ.; Iowa State Univ. | 2016.2 | 2.177 |
82 | PPRank: economically selecting initial users for influence maximization in social networks | IEEE Systems Journal | Yufeng Wang(王玉峰); Athanasios V. Vasilakos; Qun Jin; Jianhua Ma | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Kuwait University; Waseda University; Hosei University | 2015.1 | 2.114 |
83 | Adaptive Task Scheduling Strategy Based on Dynamic Workload Adjustment for Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters | IEEE Systems Journal | Xiaolong Xu(徐小龙); Lingling Cao; Xinheng Wang | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Nanjing University; University of the West of Scotland | 2016.6 | 2.114 |
84 | Planar wideband loop-dipole composite antenna | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | Wen-Jun Lu(吕文俊); Wen-Hai Zhang; Kin Fai Tong; Hong-Bo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Univ. Coll. London | 2014.4 | 2.053 |
85 | A Spectral Clustering Approach to Identifying Cuts in Wireless Sensor Networks | IEEE Sensors Journal | Haifeng Hu; Xiaodong Wang; Zhen Yang(杨震); Baoyu Zheng(郑宝玉) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Columbia University | 2015.3 | 1.889 |
86 | An Energy-efficient Reliable Data Transmission Scheme for Complex Environmental Monitoring in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks | IEEE Sensors Journal | Kun Wang(王堃); Hui Gao; Xiaoling Xu; Jinfang Jiang; Dong Yue(岳东) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学);Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology; Hohai University | 2016.6 | 1.889 |
87 | Spectrum Sensing in Opportunity-Heterogeneous Cognitive Sensor Networks: How to Cooperate? | IEEE Sensors Journal | Guoru Ding(丁国如); Jinlong Wang; Qihui Wu(吴启晖); Fei Song; and Yingying Chen | PLA University of Science and Technology(解放军理工大学); Stevens Institute of Technology | 2013.11 | 1.889 |
88 | Verification-Based Interval-Passing Algorithm for Compressed Sensing | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | Xiaofu Wu(吴晓富); Zhen Yang(杨震) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学) | 2013.10 | 1.661 |
89 | Dual-Band Substrate Integrated Waveguide Balun Bandpass Filter With High Selectivity | IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters | Hui Chu; Jian-Xin Chen(陈建新) | Nantong Univ.(南通大学) | 2014.6 | 1.599 |
90 | On studying the impact of uncertainty on behavior diffusion in social networks | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems | Yufeng Wang(王玉峰); Athanasios V. Vasilakos; Jianhua Ma; Naixue Xiong | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Kuwait University;Hosei University; Colorado Technical University | 2015.2 | 1.598 |
91 | VPEF: A simple and effective incentive mechanism in community-based autonomous networks | IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management | Yufeng Wang(王玉峰); Athanasios V. Vasilakos; Jianhua Ma | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Lulea Univ. of Technol.; Hosei Univ. | 2015.3 | 1.296 |
92 | Reference-modulated DCSK: A Novel Chaotic Communication Scheme | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs | Hua Yang; Guo-Ping Jiang(蒋国平) | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学) | 2013.4 | 1.136 |
93 | Pilot Allocation for Sparse Channel Estimation in MIMO-OFDM Systems | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs | Xueyun He; Rongfang Song(宋荣方); Wei-Ping Zhu | Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(南京邮电大学); Concordia University | 2013.9 | 1.136 |
94 | phase-separated DCSK: A Simple Delay-Component-Free Solution for Chaotic Communications | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs | Hua Yang; Guo-Ping Jiang(蒋国平); Junyi Duan | Nanjing Univ. of Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学) | 2014.12 | 1.136 |
95 | Adaptive Annealed Importance Sampling for Multimodal Posterior Exploration and Model Selection with Application to Extrasolar Planet Detection | Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | Liu; Bin(刘斌) | Nanjing Univ. Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学) | 2014.7 | 11.257 |
96 | Two-step complete polarization logic Bell-state analysis | Scientific Reports | Sheng, Yu-Bo(盛宇波); Zhou, Lan | Nanjing Univ. Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学) | 2015.8 | 5.228 |
97 | Power reduction with enhanced sensitivity for pellistor methane sensor by improved thermal insulation packaging | Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical | Hongyu Ma(马洪宇); Enjie Ding(丁恩杰); Wenjuan Wang | China Univ. Min & Technol(中国矿业大学) | 2013.10 | 4.758 |
98 | Surface-normal emission from subwavelength GaN membrane grating | Optics Express | Wang, Yongjin(王永进); Shi, Zheng; Li, Xin; Shumin He; Miao Zhang;and Hongbo Zhu(朱洪波) | Nanjing Univ. Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学); Chinese Academy of Sciences | 2014.1 | 3.148 |
99 | Hybrid entanglement purification for quantum repeaters | Physical Review A | Sheng, Yu-Bo(盛宇波); Zhou, Lan; Long, Gui-Lu | Nanjing Univ. Posts & Telecommun.(南京邮电大学) Tsinghua Univ; Tsinghua Natl Lab Informat Sci & Technol | 2013.8 | 2.765 |
100 | Efficient entanglement concentration for quantum dot and optical microcavities systems | Quantum Information Processing | Sheng, Yu-Bo(盛宇波); Zhou, Lan; Wang, Lei; Zhao, Sheng-Mei(赵生妹) | Nanjing Univ Posts & Telecommun(南京邮电大学) | 2013.5 | 1.84 |